
Thursday, November 13, 2008


It's been a while since I blogged. I have to admit I have been feeling down. I always get down this time of year. I remember my Mom and how much I miss her and get real down. Then I remember that I have to go on and be stronge for my kids and start to get going. So the holidays are coming and boy, I am getting excited about them.

I want to share that Rowynn was published in the school paper. She did a outstanding article about Thanksgiving. Liam received A-B Honor Roll. and Kaitlyn is getting into the follow of things.
I have to share a fun story with all of you. Today on my way to school (dropping off the kids) I saw a lovely bunch of ladies on the golf course -- they were seniors. Dressed in matching outfits I thought how cool a group thing. Well, on the way back I was stopped by one of the ladies. She asked if I wouldn't mind taking a picture or two of them. It was a special day for one of them it was Helen's 80th birthday. Her son had special shirts made for them that read - The Golf Club Girls. They all met when they work at a golf course when they were young girls and stayed friends throughout the years.
I agreed to take the pictures and wish Helen a happy birthday. She told me that she picked me from all the other moms going by because she noticed my scrapbook t-shirt and knew I would appreciate a good picture. Helen is right on that one. I think how wonderful to celebrate your 80th birthday and still be so close with all your friends. Amazing!
I have to say I too have some wonderful friends. Cherrie -- is amazing she checked up on me just to see how I was doing during my past few days away from the computer. Nikki -- also checked up on me to be sure I was doing well. Rebbeca -- Lead Fiskateer herself sent me a little packed just because she was thinking of me and wanted to say hello. Amazing to have such wonderful people in my life that care.
Ok now let me share some work with you. Here is the Cell Phone Mini album I made that was published by Scrapbook News and Review.
Later I'll posted some of the layouts I did for Scrapbook Challenges Design Team.

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