
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Creative Tuesday

We're having a hot one here in FL. I don't know what happen to Spring?!? I think it only here in the evening. Last night we went for a walk after dinner and it was so beautiful out. Yes, I'm trying to lose weight - I can't use the excuse "It's from being pregnant" anymore - DARN! LOL.
I have my creative juices flowing today I hope I can use them to make alot of projects. I have a few more challenges to do from SC. Some that I started and want to finish.
I working on the challenge posted Marilyn at Scrapbook Challenges. It use a masking technique and some paint or ink on a layout. So, DH took some cute picture of our son dressed up in a pirate hat and eye patch. Our son was singing the song the pirates that don't do anything from Veggie Tales too funny!
Anyway, I decided to make a jolly roger for my mask I drew a skull and cross bones then cut it out with my Fiskars fingertip craft knife (which if you don't have one - you NEED to get one!!! It's so much easier to use).
I think it came out pretty good. Now, later today after I pick up the kids from school I am doing the layout.


  1. So cool! Can't wait to see the final project! :)

  2. very cool! Send us some of that warm weather please
