
Thursday, May 21, 2009

****Edit : Hello Everyone I want to thank you for stopping by today for the blog hop. We had a change and This is you LAST stop on the hop. But Please feel free to stop by Scrapbook Challenges and Join the group!*****
Welcome to Scrapbook Challenges Blog Hop. This is a long post but so WORTH IT!! Read, play and have fun!
Let me tell you a bit about Scrapbook Challenges and Pamela the creater of Scrapbook Challenges. We have a weekly sketch challenge, with an original, never seen before sketch designed by Pamela Young, a highly talented and published artist. Pamela start her once little group back 2007. Her little group has grown to about 1700 members.
Every Monday, Pamela posts a new sketch along with DT LO's. We also have a photoshop, a digital and technique challenge posted once a month. Plus, we also have other challenges that are issue by the design team members. Everyone who completes a challenge gets entered into a drawing for a prize from our monthly sponsor. Pamela does a fantastic job securing amazing sponsors each month!
This blog hop is design to help you get to know the Design Team and Pamela the owner of Scrapbook Challenge better. During the hop you will notice lots of prizes and a challenge(see below), I hope you particiapate in all of them.
So, Get started at Pamela’s Blog. I Know you don’t want to miss any of the fun this weekend. Before you hop on - be sure to read the entire post. You'll see why!

First, Fun Facts about Me (Annie Collins)
1. I can't live without music!!!
2. I am my family's Weird Al. I love to change to words to Pop songs to make my own songs.
3. I have 3 wonderful children
4. I am a Lego maniac - I really love them and can play with them for hours with or without the kids.
5. I've been with my DH for 20+ years now.
6. I have a secret ability (Ssshhh - Do Not Tell Anyone) I can taste something from a restaurant 1 - 2 times and recreate that meal.
7. I have 2 brothers and 1 Sister
8. I am really shy at first but when you get to know me I am a real goof ball. I love to laugh and make other laugh.
9. I grew up in Hoboken, New Jersey. Same as Frank Sinatra. I just don't have the blue eyes.
10. I am the 3rd child in my family.

I challenge for you to make a layout based on this sketch by Pamela.
Here is the layout I completed using this sketch.

My Gifts from God
Close up of leaves and the puffy treatment I did on my frame.

If you do create a layout using the sketch please leave me a comment and link Pamela (on her blog) your creation and you'll be entered into a prize (See below).

All winners will be announced Monday May 25th!

Here is the list of Prizes and how you can win them.
How do you get a chance to win any of these great prizes? All you have to do is participate in this blog hop and leave a comment on all of the blogs! It’s not a long blog hop...there are only 10 of us. So start with Pamela and leave a comment! Then hop on!

1. The prize for one lucky person who comments on ALL the blogs will get the May Main Kit from Scarlet Lime. Here are some pictures for the complete list of item click on the link.

2. Our second RAK goes to one lucky person who plays along with us this weekend. All you have to do is make a layout based on the sketch. Then you can post a link to it Pamela's blog or in the Scrapbook Challenges group here.So, what do you win ? The following kit from Studio Calico AND the stamp set.


High quality photo-polymer alphabet stamps. Upper and lower case included. Studio Calico exclusive.
3. One person who does the best detective work and answers the questionaire will win this awesome stamp set from Unity Stamp Company.
Mix up of Cuteness
This kit includes all Un-Mounted Deeply Etched Red Rubber stamps. The stamps are pre-cut and mounted on repositionable cling foam. They can be used with any acrylic block or Unity Handle.
The Questions are as follows:
You get entered into the drawing for this one by sending Pamela an email, at, with the answers to these questions:

1. Which one of the DT members can taste something from a restaurant 1 - 2 times and recreate that meal? (Such an AWESOME skill by the way)

2. Which member of the DT almost made it to the national fencing team when she was in college?
3. Which DT member daydreams of painting her mustang Barbie pink?

4. Which Scrapbook Challenges DT member was missing from our blog hop this weekend?

Start your Blog Hop at Pamela's blog.

You are here -> 9. Annie Collins(
We had a small change this is your last stop on the hop. Please feel free to check out all the great stuff at Scrapbook Challenges

To continue on with the fun!!

Bonus RAK: Tell me a little fact about the DT member before me and one about yourself. Plus, To have another chance to win become a follower of my blog.

Thanks for stopping by and playing with us!!


  1. what an amazing talent, whats everyone secret spice?

  2. Just love your Blog and this is so much fun!!! I just came from Cathy's Blog and she loves ketchup!!! :) I am going to try to work on a LO with the sketch this weekend! LOVE IT!!! Have a great weekend!!!!

  3. what an amazing blog. a random fact about cathy is that she loves one tree hill because of chad michael murray. :)

  4. Love the puffy stuff treatment. Very cool!

  5. Great LO Annie!I like the puffy stuff treatment ;-)

    random fact about cathy...ALWAYS drinks with a straw ;-)

    hop...hop...hop to Brynn's bog


  6. i also like the puff treatment.. very cool :)

  7. Hi Annie,
    Great job on your layout using Pamela's sketch!!
    The Dt member before you says "I am a huge Ketchup fan."
    One random fact about me~ I live in AMish country!!
    Just joined to follow your blog.
    Have a scrapfull day!

  8. What a cool layout! The puff treatment is interesting :)

  9. Love ur lo-its awesome-u sound like lotsa fun! The Dt member before you loves to watch hip-hop & street dancers. One thing about me I too love to watch dance I am addicted to DWTS AND SYTYCD!

  10. Beautiful layout and such fun facts!! Okay, Cathy was before you and she is a huge lover of ketchup, lol!! Me, well I am addicted to coffee and can drink it anytime, night or day!! Thanks for the chance, I am a follower as well! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  11. Cathy loves ketchup and I love fluffernutter sandwiches:)

  12. forgot to add that I am now a follower of your blog.

  13. I see you are a member of Pages In Time. I am part of the DT over there. Anyhow. I am now a follower, and Cathy dreams of painting her barbie mustang pink. :)

  14. one fact about Cathy is that she always drinks from a straw, always LOL
    Much like Cathy i have always thought it would be cool to own a barbie pink car, but I wanted a pink VW bug.

  15. Fact about Cathy...she loves grape pixie sticks

    Fact about me...I live 2 minutes from where I grew up

  16. Amazing blog! A little something about myself: I am a packrat!! It takes me forevah to find anything! A little randomness about Cathy is she loves ketchup!

  17. I am now a follower and wanted to say...what a wonderful lo! Love it. I also love Chad Michael Murray on One Tree Hill just like Cathy! And one thing about me is that I homeschool my kids. And I like it! LOL.

  18. Love those leaves and the puffy frame!
    Cathy loves grape pixie sticks-yucko! Red are the only good ones.
    I have an 11 or 12 year old iguana named Iggabelle.

  19. Hi everyone! Annie's blog is now the last stop on our blog hop! Please ignore the hop to Brynn's blog! :) Sorry for the confusion!

  20. I am now a follower!!!

    Cathy loves One Tree Hill because of Chad Michael Murray.

    Something about myself, I am addicted to Diet Coke.

    Love the layout, great job!

  21. love, love, love the texture in your layout!

  22. I love the leaves on your layout-awesome!
    Random fact about Cathy-she loves ketchup
    Me- I am left handed

  23. This is a great thing blog hopping. A random fact about Cathy is....She loves grape pixie sticks. A random fact about me is that I eat kethup on my cornbread.

  24. LOve LOve you page!!!

    I now follow your blog.

    radom fact about annie pixie sticks grape.

    Random about myself I have a lot of kidney stones.

  25. The puffy technique is cool. When is the debut HOW-To video going to be released :>) ? Fact about Cathy...she has a love affair with ketchup. Fact about myself, I am very my mind!!

  26. great take on the sketch Annie!!!


  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Gorgeous LO. WOW I had so much fun doing the blog hop. I will continue following your blogs they are great and all of the DT work is wonderful Thanks for doing this.

  29. Love your Mom's Day layout, very cute!
    A fact about Cathy and me: Cathy loves grape pixie sticks and I love to bake.

  30. I just became a follower of your blog!

  31. Let's see...Cathy always drinks from a straw and I never do. Well, I avoid it as much as possible.
    Great take on the sketch!!

  32. cool puffy effect, eyecatching!
    Cathy loves ketchup, I do too! ;)
    just followed your blog!
    off to do the sketch!
    I had fun with the hop!

  33. Hi Annie,
    Here is the link to My Blog Hop layout I Posted: May 22, 2009 11:16 PM at Scrap Challenges on Myspace, TFL!! ~:O)

    Happy Blog Hop!!

  34. really cute layout! And the person before you has had 4 miscarriages before her successful pregnancy with Blake!

  35. oh yeah a random fact about me is that I haven't been able to get pregnant.

  36. Neato layout!
    She always drinks out of a straw.
    Random fact about me is that I HAVE to have my tea time everyday at 3 before the kids come home from school.

  37. cathy loves grape pixie sticks!

    i have an addiction to sleeping with blankets. no matter WHAT the temperature is...gotta have my blankets!

  38. She always drinks through a straw-which is funny because I do too! My #2 son (I have 4) is also a Lego addict. I have to get him Lego's every year for Christmas or he would disown me!

  39. Cool layout - love how you did the frame!!

    Cathy loves ketchup, and I love to put cesar dressing on my brussel sprouts. It's good.

    And I'm a follower :)

  40. She's really into ketchup.

    Fact about me - I'm really into Chex Mix!

  41. I love that puffy paint treatment it looks really cool

  42. You should write up a tut on your puffy frame. Its cool

  43. Hi Annie...
    one fact about Cathy is that she loves ketchup!

    You are all very talented designers..I have enjoyed peeking at all of your amazing work!

    One fact about me:
    I paint my toenails black :)

  44. Thank you for all the kind words. I'm loving all the fun facts so keep them coming!!

    I'll work on a tutorial of the puffy treatment and post it soon.

    Again thanks for hopping! :)

  45. About me: I live in the Midwest.

    Annie: loves grape pixie sticks.

  46. Cathy loves Ketchup. Me too, lol. Love your sketch.

  47. such a cute blog and love your page..
    the DT before you love grape pixie sticks
    random fact about me- I can NOT live without music too, it's ALWAYS on!!! love Depeche Mode

  48. Cathy loves Ketchup! & I can't live without Diet Pepsi! Awesome layout! Love the closeups! Thanks for the chance to win!

  49. WOW, I love all the little details in your layout! Great job!

  50. Great layout, enjoyed this blog hop!

  51. the last stop for the day, so sad it has been fun.
    fact about cathy, she loves george strait. And a fact about me, I am a huge reality tv junkie.

  52. WOW!! your puffy leaves are so cool!
    random fact about Cathy: she likes grape pixie stix and ketchup, so im assuming she loves sour things!

    Random fact about me: Im an ex-foster child and would like to write a book about my experiances and other kids experiances!

  53. awsome take on the sketch!!
    Random fact about Cathy is she ALWAYS drinks from a straw. Random fact about me is my nails must always be painted! I am already a follower of your fab blog.

  54. Cathy loves Ketsup! About me, In my house, we call it Vitamin K, lol!

    I am a follower!

  55. Great layout love your blog

    Random fact about Cathy is she loves grape pixie sticks

    Random fact about me I love to kayak!

  56. Hello to my new friend! Pleasure to meet you on this hoppin afternoon! I hoe to know you better since I am now following your blog!

    Amy in Kansas

  57. Oh yes the facts.... "just the facts, maam!" Cathy likes straws, whether sipping her drinks or dumping grape pixie stick powder out of them!! Me? Hmmm.... I love Diet Mtn Dew Code Red! (but without a straw!)

    Amy in Kansas

  58. Loved seeing your talent!

    Something about Cathy is that unfortunately she has had 4 miscarriages. She must have amazing strength to have gone through that battle. Something about myself is that my DH and I are currently trying to build a family.

  59. First let me mention those leaves. LOVE them.

    Random fact: I enjoy doing laundry. Crazy, I know.

  60. Random fact about Cathy...she loves grape pixie sticks

  61. hi Annie... lovely layout! =)

    one random fact about cathy - she loves ketchup! =)

    one random fact about me - i'm obsessed with scrapbook items!

  62. random fact about cathy--she loves ketchup a random fact about myself is I can't tell the difference between hd and regular tv. and I just became a follower!! also great job on the lo--children truly are a gift from god!
