
Monday, July 6, 2009

I seem to have forgotten to stop by and post the rest of the layout from last week. Today I'll share both last Monday's and today with you.
Today's Sketch and layout.
I doodled and stamped the background to create the sidewalk drawing the kids made.
Title close up - the chipboard letters are from Target's dollar spot. The little chalk I made from paper. My DS wanted them on the page.
Last Monday's Sketch and layout.

The letter are American Crafts that my DH bought for me - I set him to get thickers and when he couldn't find them he thought these would be nice. So, not to hurt his feelings I use them. The little puffy letters I found the other day at the Dollar Tree.

This little bear is my DD love. So, instead of the bird I did the bear. I just happen to have in my stash some velvet paper and mulberry paper that made a cute bear.

If you create a layout using either one of these great sketches please be sure to link me to your creation.

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