
Monday, November 19, 2012

Design Team Work for Let's Scrap

I created this layout of my daughter Rowynn as Iron man. she dressed up as Iron man for Halloween. She loves Tony Stark aka Iron man because he is a Genius, an Engineer, loves Robots, is Funny, helps others and well a bad ass. She see herself in those qualities. She too is a genius, wants to be a prosthetic engineer,  She loves robots, she is so very helpful to all and is extremely funny. She is a true bad ass.

So, when her brother and their best friends were thinking of what to be for Halloween she suggested The Avengers and they all loved the idea. They all turned and said at the same time You Are Iron Man!! Yes, they know her so well.

Over at Let's Scrap we had a wonderful new sketch to work from created by Design Team Member Judy Rakes

Here is the layout I created.

Close-up of the details
Page 1

Page 2

 The title

I hope that you take the time to join us over at Let's Scrap for sketches, challenges and prizes. Mostly lots of fun and wonderful people.

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