
Friday, September 13, 2013

Sharing DT work for Cookin' Up Creations

Over on the Cookin' Up Creations forum we are doing Back to School challenges all month long. I created this layout for the challenge I posted today called School I.D. - the challenge calls for you to use a school picture of a love one or yourself. I used a school picture of my hubby when he was about 9 years old.

The journaling reads:
Who Knew...
That this little boy, the sixth child of Theresa and Francis would grow up to a sweet younger brother to 3 older sisters & 2 older brothers, love is parents whole-heartedly, and an uncle at age 13 to his adorable niece. Then the nieces & nephews kept coming and even became a godfather. He loved to play with all of them.

Who Knew...that he would be a great student and put himself through aikido classes and still work after school. At age 18, move to another state and explore life in his own way.

Then he joined the United States Marine Corps. As a Marine he saw Japan, South America and protected our freedom during Desert Storm.

Who Knew... When he finally cam home from the Marines he would meet a lovely brown eyed girl and fall in love. They created a wonderful family filled with love, joy, ups & downs and laughter.

Who knew... that he would be an amazing father to his 2 beautiful daughters & his amazing son. That he would be so caring, loving, supportive & passionate about his family. That he would be an incredible husband, a passionate partner and my best friend.

Who Knew... That he would have a love for business, health, crazy sense of humor, a brilliant mind & a foodie. That he would be a fantastic and true friend.
God knew!!

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you will join us over at Cookin' Up Creations.

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