
Monday, June 8, 2009

So, I'm feeling better today. I had a full and sick crazy last week. we're officially on summer break!! Yeah!! The graduation was fantastic! I loved that they did a flash back of each child and teacher from baby to current.

I have to share that on Tuesday my DD had her 5th grade social. A boy in her class gave her flowers. She was the only girl to receive flowers. To tell the truth - the boy has had a crush on her since 3rd grade. His mom told me at the graduation that he saved his money and tried to find her purple roses(her favorite color) but, couldn't find any. So, he got her these instead. How cute is that!!!

It's Monday! That means a new sketch and layout. Here is the sketch that Pamela of Scrapbook Challenges created.

Here is the layout I did. I love this layout because it includes all the grandparents in my children's lives. It's also a sweet picture of my girls and my mom who is no longer with us. She was so proud of the girls that day. She loved celebrating school accomplishments. The kids & I really miss her.

Close up of title. Roller Pink Thickers & Making Memories Sabrina tiny alphas

Close up of branches I drew & hand cut these. Then I stickled them because they needed a little something.

I'm not sure if you remember me telling you that I went to a Fiskateer flip flop crop last month. One of the challenges we had to do was create flip flops. These are my flip flops. I found the orange flip flops at Walmart. I used ribbons & fibers to decorate them. I also made some charms of Fiskars tools for them. I made them using Shrink film. I didn't win the contest. :( but, I did have fun creating the flip flops.

Close up of the four charms I created.
I drew & hand cut the charms. I first drew them on paper. Then, I traced the tools onto the shrink film with a sharpie. Then I used color pencils & Bic marks to color them. Then shrank them with my heat gun. I think they turned out cool!
If you create a layout using the sketch please link me to your creation. I would love to see it.


  1. I love with what you did with Pamela's sketch. Great paper!
    The flip flops are adorable, I love all the ribbon and embellishments!!
    I'm glad that you are feeling better.
