
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wow! it seem like I haven't been on here in such a long time. Well, my company is finally all gone. We had family and friends over to celebrate DD graduation, also winning first place in the county at the movie awards -- for the movie - she & the rest of her gifted created. Our DS promotion and nomination to the gifted program.

I did squeeze in some scrapbooking in all the festivities. I did a layout using Scrapbook Challenges Sketch created by our talented leader Pamela. I usually post it on Mondays. I did a few mini albums I'll posted those in a bit.
Here is the sketch

Here is my layout. I have been wanting to scrap these pictures forever. I decided to do the title old school - I was inspired by the movie ad for Away We Go & the print ad for Huggies diapers. The flowers are I cut from fabric.
If you make a layout using this sketch be sure to link me to your creation.


  1. What a great looking layout, I love the Hawaiian feel. Those flowers are beautiful!

  2. Don't you hate when you are away from blog land for a couple of days and it seems like so much has happened and so many new post, you never catch up.

    Are you doing next weeks sketch?
