I wanted to share this. I am not sure what to call it. We finally decided on Zeborse. Yes, for Zebra and Horse. My oldest DD took these pictures of a Horse? Zebra? Anyway, We went about 5 minutes away from our suburbian home to the country. And one of the farmers has this Zeborse on their property. The kids were amazed by this. My youngest DD was in love!! She
LOVES zebras and horses - so this animal is perfection to her.
If you know what this is Horse or Zebra we would love to know
.*** I did some googling and I found this site on Zorse ***
So maybe that's what is .

It's Monday - So that means I have a new layout for the sketch that Pamela of Scrapbook Challenges has created.
Here is the sketch

Here is my layout. Now, the little boy is my DS and the guy with him is a friend of our family. DH, DS and our friend had a guys day out at a local car show. I working on some older pictures lately. It's been fun remembering the kids when they were so little.

If you create a layout using this sketch please link me to your creation.