Friday, September 25, 2009

Welcome to Scrapbook Challenges Blog Hop. This is a long post but so WORTH IT!! Read, play and have fun!

This blog hop is design to help you get to know the Scrapbook Challenges Design Team, Pamela the owner of Scrapbook Challenge and the Scrapbook Challenges site better. During the hop you will notice lots of prizes and a challenge(see below), I hope you participate in all of them.

Now, Let me tell you a bit about Scrapbook Challenges and Pamela the founder of Scrapbook Challenges. We have a weekly sketch challenge, with an original, never seen before sketch designed by the amazing Pamela Young, a highly talented and published artist. Pamela start her once little group a few years back. Her little group has grown to over 1700 members.

Every Monday, Pamela posts a new sketch along with DT LO's. We also have a photoshop, a digital and technique challenge posted once a month. Plus, we also have other wonderful challenges that are issue by the design team members. Everyone who completes a challenge gets entered into a drawing for a prize from our monthly sponsor. Pamela does a fantastic job securing amazing sponsors each month!

Five random facts about me:
1. I can't live without music!!!
2. I am my family's Weird Al. I love to change to words to Pop songs to make my own songs.
3. I am a Lego maniac - I really love them and can play with them for hours with or without the kids.
4. I have 2 brothers and 1 Sister
5. I grew up in Hoboken, New Jersey. Same as Frank Sinatra. I just don't have the blue eyes.
Here is Pamela's Wonderful Sketch

Here is my layout based on her sketch.

Close up of the cluster & flowers

So, Get started at Pamela’s Blog. I know you don't want to miss any of the fun this weekend. Before you hop on - be sure to read the entire post. You'll see why!

Start here --->1. Pamela,
2. Sookie,
3. Rowee,
4. Melissa,
5. Marilyn,
6. Lyndsay,
7. Katrina,
8. Iris,
9. CJ,
10. Cathy,
11. Brynn,
12. Beth,
You are here ----->13. Annie,

Here is the list of Prizes and how you can win them.
The winners will be announced on Sept 28th!
How do you get a chance to win any of these great prizes? All you have to do is participate in this blog hop, leave a comment on all of the blogs, give the sketch a try! It’s not a long blog hop...there are only 13 of us. So start with Pamela and leave a comment! Then hop on!

1. The prize for one lucky person who comments on ALL the blogs will win 2 fabulous kits from Apron Strings Monthly Kits. Yes, you read that correctly!

2. Our second RAK goes to one lucky person who plays along with us this weekend. All you have to do is make a layout based on the sketch(Everybody who does a layout based on the sketch gets entered into a drawing to win). Then you can post a link to it Pamela's blog or in the Scrapbook Challenges group. So, what do you win ? This stamp set from Unity Stamp Company:

3. One person who does the best detective work and answers the questionaire (see below) will win this awesome stamp set from Unity Stamp Company

The Questions are as follows:
You get entered into the drawing for this one by sending Pamela an email, at, with the answers to these questions:

1. What is the name of our guest blogger today?
2. Name one of our newest DT members.
3. How long has Scrapbook Challenges on myspace been around?
4. Which Scrapbook Challenges DT member also designs for Scrap Within Reach?
5. Are you a member of Scrapbook Challenges on myspace?

This is your last stop on the hop. Please feel free to check out all the great stuff at Scrapbook Challenges to continue on with the fun!!

Bonus RAK: Plus, to have another chance to win a RAK from me. Join Scrapbook Challenges (so the you can play with us all the time), leave me a comment here telling me that you did and become a follower of my blog.

Thanks for stopping by and playing with us!!


Pamela said...

LOVE your layout Annie!!!!! :)

laterg8r said...

love that you grew up in the same place as Frank - i love Frank :D

love your embelly cluster :D

Marla said...

I love your blog and LO!!! I am now a follower of your blog. I dont do myspace but I dont think I can be a follower.

Rosalee said...

Love the concept of your blog it looks good. Your LO is so neat. I have become a follower. I'm sorry but I'm not a follower of Myspace nor am I a member.

Jackie said...

What a cute layout. And I have become a follower too. However, I don't use Myspace.

Mary said...

Love your layout Annie. I am a follower. I just put in a request to join Scrapbook Challenges. Can't wait to start being able to play on there.


iris said...

definitely last but not the least! Love your page. All the creations I have seen are beautiful! I enjoyed this hop.

salme said...

Great take on the sketch! And, I am so happy that we're still with the team! Love working with you!

CJ said...

Love your take onthe sketch Annie! and all those little bits and pieces! :)

Rissa said...

Great layout girly!!! I'm already a follower of your fab blog & i also belong to SC =]

Tara Powell said...

very cute blog and layout!
Just so you know, I also change the words to songs quite frequently

Cowspotdog said...

another great take on the sketch, you have all done amazing work. Thanks for giving us the chance to blog hop around.

JPScraps said...

Such a great layout. Love the colors. I'm a follower but I don't use myspace.

Angie Blom said...

fantastic hop.. great layout. tried to be a foller but google is giving me a hard time will try later.

Katrina Hunt said...

Ok, the whole zebra theme is aweseome!!! Love you layout (and your blog background too ;)

Anonymous said...

Love the zebra!! Way too fun!! I finally made it - I now officially have paws and ears!!! lol

jeanie de la rama said...

great lo!alreadya follower. :)

Melissa Kaye said...

Very cute layout. Love the little details!

I joined the Scrapbook Challenges on myspace and am following your blog!

liliput said...

Great take on the sketch Annie!
i'm already a member of SC and a follower of your blog! Thank you for the chance.

latte_grande said...

Oh man, how I wish your group wasn't on MySpace! We've had to outlaw it in our home...too many problems with viruses and spam and such. I know you have a ton of MySpace followers, but maybe you folks would consider moving the group to Blogger one day? Your members would easily be able to follow you there...just a thought! :)
Thanks so much for the blog hop and have a wonderful weekend...following your blog now!

Ann Arbogast said...

Hi Annie, love your layout. Just stopping in for the blog hop.

bessie said...

blog hopping is so much fun. Checking out scrapbook challenges, Next!

Jingle said...

Your layout is cute!

Issa Virtucio-Lucido said...

im finally in! great blog you have here Annie!

scrappin{jewlz} said...

fabulous layout!!

follow blog - check (already follow)
SC member - check

Kristi B. said...

I've been a member of SC for awhile now. I am now following your blog. Great job using the sketch! :)

junqueandroses said...

Love your blog and became a floower and I joined Scrapbook Challenges

ytet said...

Great to be here in your blog. i'm now a member of SC. Really have fun in this blog hop challenge.

Benga said...

Hi there, lovely LO!
I'm already a member of SC and I just posted my LO for sketch #162

Thanks for a chance to win!
Had fun with the hop!

Anonymous said...

I really like the way you captured the colors in your photos! Great layout!!!

Heather McDaniel said...

I am in the group and I am a follower! I love your layout! I am obsessed with zebra! =)

kee kee said...

I'm really into animal prints right now, so I LOVE your layout :-) Great take on the sketch.

After stumbling upon this blog hop, I became a member of the SC MySpace group.

Rachel M said...

Love your layout!

Pam Dunn said...

Great layout!

I joined the myspace SC group and am a follower of your blog.

Breann said...

your profile pic is freaking it! i joined sc today and am excited to start playing along...didn't ever know about it before. thanks!

krista said...

cute lo annie! love the animal print :)

Kelly Sas said...

I have so enjoyed this blog hop. Wish you would consider some other way because many of us will not do My Space. Thanks for the fun and chance to win!

BethW7372 said...

Great LO Annie. Very much enjoyed the blog hop!

The Cr8ive Life said...

I am following you! THANKS for this awesome Blog Hop!

Cute#1 said...

Lovely page Annie! (",)

djp said...

love your embellishment cluster!!!

djp said...

i just joined SC...just waiting for approval :)


djp said...

i'm a follower now too!

Terria said...

Super cute layout, I love the colors you used.Well alright that wasn't bad at all I made it to the end:) I had a blast !!!

Anneliese Grassi said...

I am joining the group asap, & I am now a follower of your blog. Thanks!
Great lo btw! Love the zebra theme!

Carole Stirrat said...

Hi Annie, they saved the best for last didn't they?!!

Jamie Harder said...

Fun blog hop!!! I am your follower now:-)

CraftyRia said...

I'm from NJ, too - Farmingdale.

I joined the SC Myspace Group.

I'm just signed up to be a follower of your blog.

silvia said...

Great LO!!!

Unknown said...

I love the Zebra on the layout so cute