Today is my son's birthday-- seven years ago today. I was overjoyed to have my little boy in my arms. I had waited for him a long time. You see I too tried many times to have more children. We - had our first child, then tried many years to have more. Nothing - until one day we were blessed with our second child. They were both girls - truely loved girls! As we all know girls are all about their dads. So, when I finally had my little boy -- All I could hope for was that he would be all about me. He didn't disappoint! He is really all about mom giving him some lovin'.
So, I felt my neighbors joy from deep down inside. I really got me in a creative mood. Who knows what will come out of this day.
Now on a fun note...... I spoke the other day about my daughter drawing me a little picture that gave me inspiration. Here is her drawing.
Here is what I did with it. I made a Fiskafairy. Fiskateer Fairy!

Fun isn't!?! I really like the way it turned out. I think She'll have to make a stop at the online crop the Fiskateers are having this weekend. Maybe sprinkle some Fiskadust and give some little prize away.... Join us in the fun.
So, I hope you find some inspiration today. If you be sure to let me know all about it.
Oh this is great!!!!!!!!
Adorable! Amazing! Blessed Indeed!
I too, know that feeling of trying to have children for a long time and then finally success! First one, a sweet baby girl Chloe, then a year later, a miscarriage and a year after that, my momma's boy Jacob! I thought I knew love but there isn't anything like the love between a child and its parent.
FiskaFairy is beautiful...hope to be able to catch her appearance this weekend!
Patty 2832
Wow Annie - you inspire me to no end - that Fiska-fairy is so cute ans so very clever - WOW Girl - you Rock!!
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