I have to get going on my projects. I did some today which I hope to post later. I have to come up with an easy card for my son to make for his class exchange. His teacher decided that this year all the kids would make a card for each student in the class and have a card exchange. I like the idea I just need some thing a 7 yr. old can do and make 20 of them. I have one idea I just need to see how hard it is for him to do. So, Are you doing a card exchange?
I'm excited about the online crop Fiskateers is having this weekend. I hope that you can join in on all the fun. I have to clear my desk so that I can join in on the fun too.
I'll post more in a bit. Enjoy the day!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
It's been a while since I blogged. I have to admit I have been feeling down. I always get down this time of year. I remember my Mom and how much I miss her and get real down. Then I remember that I have to go on and be stronge for my kids and start to get going. So the holidays are coming and boy, I am getting excited about them.
I want to share that Rowynn was published in the school paper. She did a outstanding article about Thanksgiving. Liam received A-B Honor Roll. and Kaitlyn is getting into the follow of things.
I have to share a fun story with all of you. Today on my way to school (dropping off the kids) I saw a lovely bunch of ladies on the golf course -- they were seniors. Dressed in matching outfits I thought how cool a group thing. Well, on the way back I was stopped by one of the ladies. She asked if I wouldn't mind taking a picture or two of them. It was a special day for one of them it was Helen's 80th birthday. Her son had special shirts made for them that read - The Golf Club Girls. They all met when they work at a golf course when they were young girls and stayed friends throughout the years.
I agreed to take the pictures and wish Helen a happy birthday. She told me that she picked me from all the other moms going by because she noticed my scrapbook t-shirt and knew I would appreciate a good picture. Helen is right on that one. I think how wonderful to celebrate your 80th birthday and still be so close with all your friends. Amazing!
I have to say I too have some wonderful friends. Cherrie -- is amazing she checked up on me just to see how I was doing during my past few days away from the computer. Nikki -- also checked up on me to be sure I was doing well. Rebbeca -- Lead Fiskateer herself sent me a little packed just because she was thinking of me and wanted to say hello. Amazing to have such wonderful people in my life that care.
Ok now let me share some work with you. Here is the Cell Phone Mini album I made that was published by Scrapbook News and Review.
Later I'll posted some of the layouts I did for Scrapbook Challenges Design Team.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A Little Treat Holder
Monday, October 20, 2008
Just Sharing...
I just wanted to share some of the things I've been doing. I was given a mission on the Fiskateers - I am part of the FCIA by Lead Fiskateer Angela Daniels. My mission was called Boo. In this mission you had to leave some Halloween goodies on a neighbors door along with a sign that reads BOO! and a cute poem.
Mini album covers & a view of the inside. They all have removable tags for more pictures and journaling. All paper except Cardstock (black & orange) are Cloud 9.

I had my kids do the dropping off - Well, they really wanted to do it. We hit three different nieghborhoods. For the neighbors that didn't do anyscrapbooking or crafting I created some cute mini albums alon with some intructions. I know that they are picture takers.
Mini album covers & a view of the inside. They all have removable tags for more pictures and journaling. All paper except Cardstock (black & orange) are Cloud 9.

Also as part of the Scrapbook Challenge DT. I had to do a challenge this week. I do one one called "File it" under C for challenge. You have to use a file folder in a layout or project. I made this mini album using a file folder. I used some Cloud 9 paper for this too. But from a prize I won from Lead Fiskateer Kelly Jo.
File folder album cover & the view from the inside. I hope to fill this with some fun pictures this weekend . We're having a small Halloween party.I hope you are inspired to do your own version of Mission Boo!
I wanted to share that my Mini Cell Phone Album has been published in Scrapbook News and Review E-zine. I am so excited about it. Go over to the site and check it out!
Monday, October 13, 2008
What a Morning...
This morning my youngest DD Rowynn- along with about ten other students where honored at school. They received awards for achievement in academics. She received another award for being the top in the state in the FCAT (this is a state standard test). After we (DH & me) were asked by the counselor to stay a minute and she told us about the Baccalaureate Program that they (the school & county) want Rowynn to go into. I feel that it's the best program for Rowynn. She is already doing a Duke University Program. I am very proud of Rowynn. She has a Beautiful mind. Best of all she has a Beautiful heart.
Now, As for me I have to admit I went a bit camera crazy. I have now upload all those pictures and pick a few of my favorites and make her a layout.
Now, As for me I have to admit I went a bit camera crazy. I have now upload all those pictures and pick a few of my favorites and make her a layout.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
My classes at the Collins Group trade show turned out great. Everyone finished their mini albums. They loved them. Then later in the evening I was the assistant to the Certified Fiskars Demo class. It was a large class all store owners. It was a fun class.
Then I got home to my family ad we did a lot of fun family stuff over the weekend. This week I have to a LO posted for the Scrapbook Challenge DT. I have to come up with a challenge for later this month.
I'll post the one I did for this week a bit later. I've been asked to make some fiskafairies. I'm also done with those. I have a few more classes to teach this month which is good.
We have to start decorating the outside of the house for Halloween which we love to do. We were going to do it over the weekend but, since I was teaching that was postponed to this weekend.
Then I got home to my family ad we did a lot of fun family stuff over the weekend. This week I have to a LO posted for the Scrapbook Challenge DT. I have to come up with a challenge for later this month.
I'll post the one I did for this week a bit later. I've been asked to make some fiskafairies. I'm also done with those. I have a few more classes to teach this month which is good.
We have to start decorating the outside of the house for Halloween which we love to do. We were going to do it over the weekend but, since I was teaching that was postponed to this weekend.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Sharing some work. This a layout I did for Scrapbook Challenges DT. I have to do my journaling. At least I have it on a post it. :)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I'm going to be Published
A mini album I made is going to be published in October's Scrapbook News and Review's E-Zine. The e-zine will be available Oct. 18th. I am so excited about this.
I had to share.
I had to share.
Monday, September 29, 2008
So for the past few posts I have been telling you about the cute cards & drawing I received from my children. Today I'm going to share them. As well, as finished layouts.
This is a layout I did for a challenge. We had to leave some white space. I colored in the flowers , branches and leaves with color pencils, then cut them out and pop the up. Used some lace and little ribbon too.
Here are the cards the girls made for me.
My Oldest DD made the butterfly card.
My youngest DD made me this card. i love that she made a heart with puzzle pieces with all the People and things I love.
This is a drawing my son made for me. It's him and me. My heart shaped cake with love candles, and heart keys for his heart. It reads come in. I love it.

Here is the card my son made for me. It's a laptop card. He over heard me tell DH that I needed my own computer. Then DH saw a laptop that comes with outer skins called Tattoos and told DS "Ooohhh! your mother would love that". So, my son decided that he should make me one.
Top of card laptop with dragon tattoo.
Card open showing key & 1 of my fav. computer games Zuma
Back of card reads: Happy Birthday Mommy
I have to say these cards made my day. Nothing is better than a card made with LOVE!!
Ok now for sharing some layouts.
This is a Sneak Peek of a layout I completed for Scrapbook Challenges DT.

This is a layout I did for a challenge. We had to leave some white space. I colored in the flowers , branches and leaves with color pencils, then cut them out and pop the up. Used some lace and little ribbon too.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Check This Out
Go over to Melissa's Blog and leave her comment and enter in a chance to win some Halloween goodness!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Sharing some work
It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood....
You know the song sing along as you read. Today is a beautiful day! Sunny & clear skies, a cool breeze just what I've been dreaming about! It feels like Fall ok so this morning did. I know that by now it's Summer again.
To add to the happiness of a touch of Fall I just found out that one of my mini albums has been accepted for publication. I'll post more about in a few days. I am very excited about it.
I love being on the Scrapbook Challenges Design Team. So decided to try out for another. I was feeling a bit down because I didn't make the design team. Then I got "We want your work" call and I felt happy again. I am still waiting to hear on another design team--- I know another one... Yes, This girl has to keep going. Keep Trying.
I know I owe you some drawing. I have to scan them and post. They are too cute. I have the most creative children ever!!
Thanks for singing along with me......
To add to the happiness of a touch of Fall I just found out that one of my mini albums has been accepted for publication. I'll post more about in a few days. I am very excited about it.
I love being on the Scrapbook Challenges Design Team. So decided to try out for another. I was feeling a bit down because I didn't make the design team. Then I got "We want your work" call and I felt happy again. I am still waiting to hear on another design team--- I know another one... Yes, This girl has to keep going. Keep Trying.
I know I owe you some drawing. I have to scan them and post. They are too cute. I have the most creative children ever!!
Thanks for singing along with me......
Monday, September 22, 2008
Today is
My Birthday !!! I am happy to say I am not sad about turning a year older. I have a lot of new things happening in my life right now so it's all good. I got the cutest picture from my son as a early birthday gift. I'll post it a bit later.
Have a Happy Creating Day!!!
Have a Happy Creating Day!!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I am so excited
Because I've been asked by Fiskars to teach a class for them at a trade show. The Collins Group is hosting a trade show for independent scrapbook store owners here in Florida. I feel so honored to be asked to do this. I'll be teaching a mini album class; which is great I love mini albums.
Later, in the same day I will be a Fisk-a-assistant to Meghan the Certified Fiskars Trainer for a large group that will be taking the certification class. It's going to be a long and exciting day.
Later, in the same day I will be a Fisk-a-assistant to Meghan the Certified Fiskars Trainer for a large group that will be taking the certification class. It's going to be a long and exciting day.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
More Inspiration....
So, I 'll continue on the Finding Inspiration.... Today I find inspiration in the face of my neighbor. She is a grandmother that walks her grandchildren to school, we chat everyday mostly small talk. Every morning we go through a little routine. I say "Good Morning, How are you?" She replies "Blessed - Good Morning to you too". This morning her answer was a bit different today she replied with a glow on her face and a twinkle in her eye. "Blessed - because my son and his wife -- after many years of trying are having a baby!! Nothing in the world could make me more happy!! I am truely blessed. They are truely blessed!" Her joy inspired me to look at my blessings.
Here she is with her crafting apron and Fiskateer Scissors.

Today is my son's birthday-- seven years ago today. I was overjoyed to have my little boy in my arms. I had waited for him a long time. You see I too tried many times to have more children. We - had our first child, then tried many years to have more. Nothing - until one day we were blessed with our second child. They were both girls - truely loved girls! As we all know girls are all about their dads. So, when I finally had my little boy -- All I could hope for was that he would be all about me. He didn't disappoint! He is really all about mom giving him some lovin'.
So, I felt my neighbors joy from deep down inside. I really got me in a creative mood. Who knows what will come out of this day.
Now on a fun note...... I spoke the other day about my daughter drawing me a little picture that gave me inspiration. Here is her drawing.
Here is what I did with it. I made a Fiskafairy. Fiskateer Fairy!

Fun isn't!?! I really like the way it turned out. I think She'll have to make a stop at the online crop the Fiskateers are having this weekend. Maybe sprinkle some Fiskadust and give some little prize away.... Join us in the fun.
So, I hope you find some inspiration today. If you be sure to let me know all about it.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Finding Inspiration Continues
Ok, yesterday I wrote about finding inspiration everywhere. I then wrote:
finding inspiration in the little places or from the youngest people in your life is easy. I hope you find a little inspiration from me today.
"So I am looking for inspiration everywhere today. I even found some in the litte drawings my kids left for me this morning."
I decided to make a little something out those drawing. I'll post my daughter a bit later not quite finished with hers. Here is my son's drawing. Yes, that owl has a Mohawk. My son loves them so every little draw he does someone or something has to have one.
Here is my what I made from it. Yes, the mohawk is there too.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Finding Inspiration....
Today is a good day to go out and find inspiration. I was just over my friend Pinky's blog she has the cutest flowers on there. You would love to have those for a layout.
May has some sneak peeks of her upcoming classes - go check it out. Cherrie she is always inspiring me. Lea is beyond inspiration. I wish I had some of that girl's talent!
Then there is Angela Daniels she has some funny stuff on her blog too. Laughing is inspirational and she such an Artful Blogger!!!
So I am looking for inspiration everywhere today. I even found some in the litte drawings my kids left for me this morning. It's a great day here in the swamp aka Florida!
Let me know what inspiration you found today.
May has some sneak peeks of her upcoming classes - go check it out. Cherrie she is always inspiring me. Lea is beyond inspiration. I wish I had some of that girl's talent!
Then there is Angela Daniels she has some funny stuff on her blog too. Laughing is inspirational and she such an Artful Blogger!!!
So I am looking for inspiration everywhere today. I even found some in the litte drawings my kids left for me this morning. It's a great day here in the swamp aka Florida!
Let me know what inspiration you found today.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Online Crop
I can't wait for the oonline crop this weekend at the Fiskateer site. I hope you'll join us on all the fun. Challenges, Prizes & Hats who can ask for more.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Trying to get back
I'm trying to get back to a few things that I love-- Like painting. It's been a long time I still working on this painting for my daughter. She loves zebras. I have a details to add.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Full view
I know I said Monday for the full view of the ssneak peek. But, things got away from me. So, here is the full layout.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Sneak Peek
I wanted to give you a little Sneak Peak of the layout I did for ScrapbookChallenges The full reveal will be on Monday. I hope you join us for all the fun!

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Some New Projects
I posted earlier that I was working on some projects. Here are two them. I will be posting some more later. This first one is a little binder key chain. It is a little gift that was given to me a longer time ago. It's a Creative Memories mini binder for pictures or stickers I can't remember which one. I covered the front and back of it with paper. I used Paper Modge Podge(yes, it comes just for paper and it's acid free). To cover the logo. I used Heidi Grace Stickers and a Foam Heart to decorate the cover.

Then I created mini pages for the inside. I use all the dimensional sticker and doodads on the out side of the mini page protectors because i like the way it looks and feels.

The Second project is a little purse i made using Fiskars Circle Shape Express Template and Cutter. I made a little one. You could put a small gift in it or some candy. I want to make a bigger one next.

This is what it looks like from the side.

I just think it's so cute and fun. I working on some off the page projects and mini albums. I have a few challenges to complete. So I'll try to post those later too.
Have a Happy Creating Day!!
Then I created mini pages for the inside. I use all the dimensional sticker and doodads on the out side of the mini page protectors because i like the way it looks and feels.
The Second project is a little purse i made using Fiskars Circle Shape Express Template and Cutter. I made a little one. You could put a small gift in it or some candy. I want to make a bigger one next.
This is what it looks like from the side.
I just think it's so cute and fun. I working on some off the page projects and mini albums. I have a few challenges to complete. So I'll try to post those later too.
Have a Happy Creating Day!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I have some exciting news to share. No not about me but, my daughter. She was selected to be on the school newspaper. This is the first year the school will be doing a newspaper. I can't believe that my little girl will be published by the end of the month. How cool is that!?!
She is also receiving an award for being top in the state in the FCAT(this will be the second one she'll receive). State test done here in FL. It's a big deal here.
I am very proud of her!
Now, My son. Who is turning 7 this month. Has told me that a girl in his class likes him and wants to kiss him. WHAT!!!! Already!! I am not ready for this at all.
I am working on a few projects I hope to post them later.
She is also receiving an award for being top in the state in the FCAT(this will be the second one she'll receive). State test done here in FL. It's a big deal here.
I am very proud of her!
Now, My son. Who is turning 7 this month. Has told me that a girl in his class likes him and wants to kiss him. WHAT!!!! Already!! I am not ready for this at all.
I am working on a few projects I hope to post them later.
Monday, September 1, 2008
My Scrapbook Challenges Design Team Layout
Pamela posted the Design Team layouts on the site http://groups.myspace.com/Scrapbookchallenges. I was asked to created a layout based on her sketch.
Here is my version. The title is made with cloud 9 alpha sticker with dimensional paint on them. I also used the paint directly to the photo.
close up of flowers. They have dimensional fabric paint (Light Blue Iridescent)on them. The small one is a paper punched flower cover with the paint. The large one is a Heidi Swapp Ghost flower cover with paint topped with another paper flower with some stickles on it. The scroll work is white Iridescent dimensional fabric paint with some Eucalyptus stickles over it. the dots are green Rain Dots (cloud 9).
closed up of ruffled ribbon. Yes more rain dots blue

Thanks for looking.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Go Check this Out!!!
A fellow Fiskateer Debbie started this streaming video site with youtube she teaching techniques, tool use and in the future make and takes. she started today.
Why is it so cool? Well, you can watch her video and chat with her at the same time so if you need a question answered she right there to give it to you. Cool Right!?
Here is the link
She's from New Zealand. She is the Fiskars Ambassador.
Happy Watching!
Why is it so cool? Well, you can watch her video and chat with her at the same time so if you need a question answered she right there to give it to you. Cool Right!?
Here is the link
She's from New Zealand. She is the Fiskars Ambassador.
Happy Watching!
Sneak Peak
As you know I am on the Design Team for Scrapbook Challenges. I was ask to make a layout using a certain sketch created by Pamela {Who is very talented}. I wanted to give you a little Sneak Peak of the layout I did for ScrapbookChallenges The full reveal will be on the 1st. I hope you join us for all the fun!

Where's My Getupandgo!?!?
I'm laying a bit low today. I am felling down -- My babies had a bad day yesterday. Their pet hamster passed away. The worst thing is that they only had him for about 4 days. I feel so bad for them. They pooled their money togethter to get him. I wasn't so sure from the begining but, since they worked together to buy and care for him I agreed.
So yesterday afternoon just I had to leave to pick them up from school my oldest found him in his cage. So sad -- Long night of tears.
So today I'm tired and drained. I have to get my getupandgo because i have so many other projects to do. So I'm hope that in a few it will kick in.
So yesterday afternoon just I had to leave to pick them up from school my oldest found him in his cage. So sad -- Long night of tears.
So today I'm tired and drained. I have to get my getupandgo because i have so many other projects to do. So I'm hope that in a few it will kick in.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
And The WINNER is.....
I had my daughter Rowynn pick out the name from the box.

However you really couldn't see it so we wrote it on cardstock. When DH walk into the room and said hey - why don't you use Rowynn's top as part of the name. So here it is. Read it from the top to the cardstock.

Thank you to everyone to commented and visited my blog I hope you continue stop by.
However you really couldn't see it so we wrote it on cardstock. When DH walk into the room and said hey - why don't you use Rowynn's top as part of the name. So here it is. Read it from the top to the cardstock.
Thank you to everyone to commented and visited my blog I hope you continue stop by.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
My Big Announcement!!!
I want to share that I have been selected to be on the Scrapbook Challenges Design Team. Check them out here http://groups.myspace.com/Scrapbookchallenges
I was told yesterday. I wanted to give Pamela a chance to post on the site first before I announced it here.
I am so very excited about this opportunity!!!
I was told yesterday. I wanted to give Pamela a chance to post on the site first before I announced it here.
I am so very excited about this opportunity!!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
All Wet!!
My morning has been wet. I stepped into my scrap area and relized that the carpet was wet. We had a flood. Our AC is busted and started to leak. So I managed to pick up everything i could I had to move everything out and start shop vacing it all. Now we have get the AC fixed. Aahh Life.
I guess I need to change things around anyway. So my bad day is going to be your good day. I have a cute round Tin{about 4" in diameter} perfect for altering and creating a mini album inside. I'll fill it with some flowers{silk & paper} that would be a nice giveway. Yes, they are dry and clean just in case you are wondering-LOL
All you have to do is leave me a comment about your day good or bad and I'll pick a winner on Wednesday.
Here are some pictures of the tin

open showing the mixed flowers
I guess I need to change things around anyway. So my bad day is going to be your good day. I have a cute round Tin{about 4" in diameter} perfect for altering and creating a mini album inside. I'll fill it with some flowers{silk & paper} that would be a nice giveway. Yes, they are dry and clean just in case you are wondering-LOL
All you have to do is leave me a comment about your day good or bad and I'll pick a winner on Wednesday.
Here are some pictures of the tin
open showing the mixed flowers
Sunday, August 24, 2008
CropGirls's Challenge
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